A blog about my photos, my artwork, quotations, ideas, collections, passions, England, authors, handwork of all kinds, rusty bits, buffalo, and architectural detail...for starters. And the occasional rant.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dill Follow-up

The good news is...the dill lasts much longer than regular flowers and the slight fragrance lasts nicely also.

The bad news is....it's really messy.  There is a fine powder of dill pollen for a 3 foot radius which doubles when you handle the stems for disposal.

The verdict....it's worth it at least once a year.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dilly Dilly

Every time I go to a Farmer's Market at this time of the year I gravitate to the pickling cukes for two reasons.  The first is that I really prefer the stubby wrinkled cukes to the long smooth year-round variety.  The second is to pinch the dill that is always available alongside them.  I love the smell of dill!

This year, as I stood pinching the dill, I noticed one lovely bunch (fully four foot tall with roots) that had somehow escaped being bent or scrunched.  So I bought it, took it home, and arranged it in my tallest vase.  There was even enough odds and ends for a small arrangement in a bottle.

Not the best photo ever, but you get the picture...
 I think it looks great, and every time I walk through the living room, I smell the dill...and I don't have to pinch anything.