A blog about my photos, my artwork, quotations, ideas, collections, passions, England, authors, handwork of all kinds, rusty bits, buffalo, and architectural detail...for starters. And the occasional rant.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rare Welsh Bits

A few random bits from the 1986 Journal as we traveled through Wales:
  • We had about three hours to kill so we walked around Welshpool.  It did have quite a few nice half-timbered buildings, but the shops were all geared to the mainstream tourists of low mentality.  We figured that we had logged about 50 plus hours of serious tourist shopping in some of the finest shops in England and we were above the likes of genuine Welsh slate with the Serenity Prayer etched on it.    
  • We have decided that we must make a patchwork quilt that looks just like the Welsh countryside.  It will be all in various shades of green, with embroidery in brown and green for the hedgerows and trees, and lots of white French knots for all the sheep.  Then when you lie underneath it and make bumps, you will have the hills.
  • While we were dressing before breakfast, we had laughed at the sheep bleating so loudly for their breakfast, or so we assumed.  With our windows onto the pasture wide open, they were incredibly noisy.  They have so many different voices, and some of them are so rude, that we had great fun trying to imitate them.  When we mentioned it at breakfast, we found out the real reason for all the noise – the first batch of lambs were taken from their mothers this morning and sent to market.  Boy, did we feel foolish…and somehow guilty.

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